How to Add Text to Videos

A guide to demonstrate how to add text to videos using VideoPad

Adding text to videos is easy with VideoPad. Add text to your videos, share them online, get more likes, or just make someone happy with personalized messages.

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  1. Click Open on the Home tab toolbar to add a video. You may also click CTRL +O or drag and drop a file or folder into the File bin. Click Open to Add a Video.

  2. Drag and drop your video from the Video File bin onto the sequence timeline. You are now ready to start working with text. Drag and drop video to sequence timeline.

  3. Click the Add Text button on the Home tab toolbar. Select Simple Text Overlay or select one of the animated text options. Click add text button.

  4. The Text Editor window automatically opens when you add your text clip.

    Type your caption in the textbox. You can change the text attributes, such as font, color, size and alignment. You can also add a text outline or change the Editor Background.

    Note: Right-click on your text clip in the media bin to rename it. Type your caption in the textbox.

  5. Editor Background has 3 options - Editor Background, Text Background and Full Background.

    Select Editor Background from the top middle section of the Text Editor to change the color of the background in the Text Editor. This is useful if you are using a text color that is difficult to see.

    Note: The Text Background adds a background color behind the text. The Full Background changes the color of the entire text slide. Select Editor Background.

  6. If you need to edit your text, click on the text box below the clip preview. This will reopen the text editor. Click on the textbox to edit your text.

  7. Click and drag your text caption in the Clip Preview to move your text to where you want it to appear in your video. Save Project.

  8. Click the down arrow beside the Add button and select Overlay on Sequence at Cursor. This will add your text caption to the video clip on the timeline. It will be added where the red cursor is located. Drag and drop to move your text caption on the sequence timeline. Select Overlay on Sequence at Cursor.

  9. Hover your mouse over the edge of the text caption until it becomes a double-sided arrow. Click and drag to modify the duration. Click and drag to modify the duration.

  10. Once you are finished, click the Save Project button on the home tab to save your VideoPad project. To export your video, select Video File from the Export Video button dropdown. Follow the steps in the Wizard to save your file in the desired format.

    Note: If you export your new file to the same folder as the original file in the same format, it will overwrite the original file. Use a different file name if you would like to have both the original and the edited file. Save Project.

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