How to use Selection Tools in PhotoPad

A guide to demonstrate how to use the selection tools in PhotoPad

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  1. Download and install PhotoPad Photo Editing Software.

  2. Open your image into PhotoPad by pressing Ctrl + O on your keyboard or by dragging and dropping it directly into the program.

  3. The selection tools are located on the Select tab.

  4. For the rectangular or oval selection, use the mouse to click on a point in the picture, then drag to create a selection. If your selection is not quite perfect, simply click and drag again to create a new selection.

  5. To use the Polygonal selection, create anchor points by clicking on the image and moving the mouse to a second point. Continue doing this until you have finished your selection. To finish the selection, either click on the first anchor point again, or double click with your mouse.

  6. To use the Free Form selection tool, click the left mouse button and hold it down while you make your selection. When you release the left mouse button, the selection will complete.

  7. To create a duplicate of your selection, use copy and paste in the Edit menu or the shortcuts, Ctrl C and Ctrl V. The duplicate of your selection will appear as an overlay on the picture.

  8. The Magnet tool follows lines of contrast in your image. Click to create your first anchor point, then, follow the line that you want to select, you will need to create multiple anchor points for it to work optimally.

  9. Finally, use the magic wand to select all adjacent areas with a similar color. Change the color sensitivity to include a broader or narrower color range in your selection. Moving the slider to the left will be very precise in the color range. Moving the slider to the right will select similar adjacent colors.

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